Below are just a few of the ways you can use your gifts and talents to take part in serving at Swainsboro First MC. If you see an area of interest, please click on the link, email the church office or call (478) 237-7535 for more information. If you’d like to suggest a ministry not listed below, we want to hear your thoughts!
Adult Ministry: Getting involved with an adult ministry can involve a wide array of areas. Adult Sunday School classes, small groups and Bible studies are just a few ministries you can join.
Children’s Ministry: If you enjoy working with children of all ages, learn how you can help. FMC is always looking for those willing to help teach Sunday School classes or on Wednesday nights and mentor in our children’s ministries.
Communications: Have a knack for the web, video, photography, writing or more? Take a look at our communications section for ways you can help.
Congregational Care: Ranging from making meals for those in need, to visiting the home bound members of our church to writing cards. There are many ways you can serve the FMC congregation.
Discipleship: Be a leader by learning how to share your faith, invite and lead people to Christ.
Music Ministries: Do you enjoy making beautiful music or performing? Please check out ways you can be a part of the music ministries of FMC.
Nursery Ministry: Can you spare an hour a week every few months? If so, ask how you can be placed in the rotation to work the nursery during Sunday Worship services or the Wednesday Night program.
Wednesday Night Activities: Our Family Supper Night on Wednesdays during the school year could use kitchen help, nursery workers, and teachers to lead small group studies or children’s classes.
Welcoming: Enjoy people? There are several ways you can help welcome people to FMC from becoming an Usher to setting out breakfast in the lobby one Sunday morning each month.
Worship: Ask how you can help during our worship services or lend a hand behind the scenes.
Youth Ministries: Our MYF program is growing and in need of volunteers to attend outreach events, hosts for Afterglow locations, and mission ideas.